
MAD horses - Wednesday, June 29th

I feel the title of this one is a little misleading; parent's never fear! There aren't mad, wild horses running around Camp - just MAD (Music and Drama) campers and horseback-riding girls running around Camp!

MAD camp explores music and drama in unique ways here at Camp Phillip. For two hours every morning, these girls work on theater games, rhythm (with Boomwhackers!), and work to prepare a small production of some kind for the closing program on Saturday morning. Carolyn Mayes and Sarah Sherod are working hard with the girls at the stage. Whenever I mosey on by there, I hear beautiful singing, lots of laughing, and oddly musical boomwhacking. I can't wait to see what they put on for the closing program!

The horseback specialty cabin is cabin 3. Danielle Stone and Emilie Smith are the counselors, and every day in the morning they take their rootin' tootin' group of cowgirls to a horse ranch a few miles from Camp Phillip. (We don't own horses at Camp but maybe would like to someday... if you know of anyone with a spare stable and some free horses, we would love to take those off your hands!) They learn different riding skills as well as a brief introduction to horse care. I'm not very good at riding horses personally - I jounce around a lot - these girls seem to be naturals, and I can tell that they're having a lot of fun by the big smiles they have on their faces when they come back from the ranch!

Wednesday's passage is from Romans 14:21:

 It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother to fall.

This was a very interesting passage to talk about together at Camp. We learned a lot about a big word - adiaphora! - and how there are some things that God does not tell us not to do in the Bible, if that makes sense. Things like how we worship, what clothes we wear, and what food we are to eat are not specified for Christians living in the 21st century. God has given us Christian freedom, reasoning capabilities, and common sense to use our free will to make certain decisions in our lives. If we are doing something that isn't sinful but causes our neighbor to stumble or be tempted, out of love for them we should stop. We want to only build up our friends and help them in their walk of faith, both here at Camp as well as when we return to the "real" world. Check your own lives and see if anything in the way you are living your life is causing someone you care about to "fall" - and then pray for the Holy Spirit's guidance to change and lead others to Christ instead of into temptation.

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Tomorrow - spotlight on the Sonshine cabins!!

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