Soccer specialty is traditionally a favorite here at Camp for counselors and campers alike, and this week is no exception. There are two soccer cabins, cabin 6b led by Brett Schommer, and cabin 3, led by the fearless Kate Zabrowski. Kaleena Bown is also at Camp to help lead drills and various soccer games for the campers. Every morning in between breakfast and lunch, these energetic kids are all over the field shooting goals, heading the ball, and passing like fiends. In the incredible heat on Monday, they were also all soaked to the bone with sweat. EWWW!! (That's one awesome perk about being a robot, at least - we certainly do not sweat! ) In addition to being exceptionally sweaty, you can spot the soccer campers because they are usually yelling the word "GOOOOOOOOALLL!" at campfire for cabin cheers. Hopefully the weather breaks soon and these campers can enjoy being outside a little bit more!
Today's passage comes from Matthew 19:26 and says:
Then Jesus said to his disciples, “I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?”
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
It is such a comfort to understand that God can do ANYTHING! If He is a God who came down to earth, humbling Himself enough to DIE - a seemingly impossible thing for an eternal God to accomplish - for US - He can do anything. Does that mean that every time I pray for something I should get exactly what I asked for, like God is a magical genie? And that if I don't get exactly what I asked for then God must be in some way unable to hear and answer my prayers? Again, by no means! While with God, anything is possible, His thoughts and views will always be higher and better than our meager human viewpoints. He has the big picture and our best interests in His heart, and will act accordingly to accomplish His will in our lives. Could we really ask for more? God has the ultimate GOOOOOAL of heaven in mind for us and is preparing a place for us with Him eternally - and will be there to aid us in our journey every step of the way.
Tomorrow: spotlight on horseback and woodworking specialty!
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