
You Look... Familiar - Sunday, August 7th

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This is the last full week of the summer, friends! I have greatly enjoyed spending time telling you about the activities here at Camp, and it makes my tin heart twinge to think my time with you is growing short. There's still one whole week of Camp to tell you about, so let me tell you all about Sunday!

The last batch of full-week campers came rolling in at 2:30 just like every other Sunday - but this was no ordinary batch of kids, NO WAY! These campers this week are way more enthusiastic about Camp than nearly any other group we have had yet this summer! They got really into playing "The Robot Connection" (similar to the common backyard game, "Octopus") and to top it off, they were really awesome listeners!

The highlight of yesterday most definitely was the campfire. Two shady travel agents (who looked a great deal like Ben Ihlen and Brett Schommer,) sent Mr. Scott Lanky and his sidekick robot Clanky on a tumultuous journey to places like Arabia and Russia - and the same people kept showing up! Every new place they went, Clanky and Lanky ran into two suspiciously dressed men... that looked... familiar. Hmmmm...

The passage for Sunday comes from Romans 1:16:

 I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.
God is not something we need to be ashamed of - He is something we should boast about! God is powerful, all-encompassing, and moreover, He has saved us. Yet, we still seem to want to cover God up, and only talk about Him when it's convenient instead of when it is upsetting or scary. God loves us deeply, deep enough to die on a cross for our sins, and that's something to shout about on the mountaintops! This week, it is my prayer that you are not ashamed of the Gospel - instead, proclaim His love with joy! 

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